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Customer Supplied Strings

Guts and Glory Tennis strongly encourages our customers to select the strings we keep in stock or allow us to secure them from our suppliers if a string is desired that is not currently a part of our inventory. We carefully monitor each of our sets of string, store them under ideal conditions and purge old strings so that our customers will always receive strings that are fresh and ready to provide the maximum performance.

When a customer supplies her/his own strings we have no way of knowing the string's history, the conditions under which it has been stored, nor the age. All of these factors can impact the life and playability of the string. Sure it is easy to find some pretty impressive string deals on Ebay, but buyer beware, that is one resource we use to purge old inventory. No doubt others do the same.

Since old inventory can become brittle and break during or shortly after installation, we cannot guarantee our work when using customer supplied string. If there is a problem during installation or afterward with our string, we will replace it for no cost to our customer. Unfortunately we are not able to follow this same process when we do not provide the string.

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